New Regional Policy brochure

Bern, 01.02.2008 - The federal government’s New Regional Policy came into effect at the beginning of 2008. To mark the introduction of this new policy, SECO has released a brochure setting out plans for future regional development funding.

The federal government’s New Regional Policy is designed to make mountainous, outlying and border regions more attractive places for business. The New Regional Policy, which took effect from the beginning of 2008, replaces the three previous development programmes, IHG (Investment Aid Act), Regio Plus and Interreg.

The starting point for the actual implementation of regional policy is the federal government’s programme for the period 2008-2015. The cantons set out their priorities and goals in terms of core regions and themes in cantonal implementation programmes on the basis of this long-term programme. The federal government assesses the basic strategic orientation of the developments planned by the cantons and the cantons are responsible for the choice of projects.

The federal government has an annual budget of CHF 40 million for project promotion. A fur-ther CHF 50 million has been earmarked for refundable loans toward infrastructure. The con-tribution of the cantons towards the programmes must at least match that provided by the federal government.
By the end of December 2007, twenty-two cantons had submitted implementation pro-grammes and funding applications for the period 2008-2011. The federal government and the cantons determine the priorities together and establish service agreements. Agreements have already been signed with the cantons of Graubünden and Jura.

The new brochure entitled «The federal government’s regional policy» acts as a guide for those involved in regional development and as general information for an interested public. It is available in German, French, Italian and English from:
SECO, Promotion Activities Directorate, Regional Policy, Effingerstrasse 27, 3003 Bern; tel. +41 (31) 322 28 73; fax +41 (31) 322 27 68;

National Network Office
An important component of the New Regional Policy is the collection, preparation and appli-cation of information on the subject of regional development. Responsibility for this lies with the national network office which is based outside the federal administration. It links the re-gional development players in the cantons and the federal administration, and assists them in making best use of the opportunities available.

Regio Plus: 166 projects
The mandate of the previous development programme, Regio Plus, expired at the end of 2007. The federal government supported a total of 166 projects with overall costs amounting to CHF 202.7 million. The federal government’s financial assistance amounts to 34% of total costs. Ninety projects have been completed, 76 projects are still ongoing, some of them will run to 2012.

Address for enquiries

Rudolf Schiess, SECO, Promotion Activities Directorate, Head, Regional Policy, tel. +41 (31) 322 28 20;

Network office contact:
Netzwerkstelle Wissensmanagement Regionalentwicklung, PLANVAL AG, Hofjistr. 5, 3900 Brig, tel. +41 (27) 922 40 80;


State Secretariat for Economic Affairs