16 new professors at the two Federal Institutes of Technology

Bern/Zurich, 12.12.2014 - Upon application of the President of ETH Zurich, Professor Ralph Eichler, and the President of EPFL, Professor Patrick Aebischer, at its meeting of 10/11 December 2014 the ETH Board appointed a total of 16 individuals as professors, took note of the resignation of four professors and thanked them for their services, and awarded the title of professor to five individuals. The ETH Board also bade farewell to the President of ETH Zurich.

Departure of the President of ETH Zurich

Professor Ralph Eichler (*1947), currently President of ETH Zurich and Full Professor of Experimental Physics, will retire at the end of December 2014 after a successful career in science and management. After completing his studies and doctorate at ETH Zurich, Ralph Eichler gained international experience at prestigious research institutions and universities. After working as a scientist at ETH Zurich and as a project leader at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), he was appointed Associate Professor of Experimental Physics at ETH Zurich in 1988. In 1993 he was promoted to Full Professor, and in 1998 he became Deputy Director of the PSI, which he led as Director from 2002 to 2007. In 2007, the Federal Council appointed him as President of ETH Zurich. Ralph Eichler is highly regarded in national and international scientific circles. The range of his achievements in science, science policy and management is testimony to his exceptional versatility, both in physics and in the service of the academic community and ETH Zurich.


Appointments at ETH Zurich

Professor Andreas Krause (*1978), currently Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Computer Science. Andreas Krause is an outstanding young researcher in the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence. In his work on adaptive systems, he develops models and algorithms that can optimise submodular merit functions efficiently and with provable approximation characteristics. These methods have demonstrated their worth in traffic planning as well as in medical diagnostics and other areas. Andreas Krause will further strengthen the bridges between machine learning and core informatics and related areas at ETH Zurich, as well as playing a key role in the Big Data initiative.

Dr Pablo M. Rivera Fuentes (*1984), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, as Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry. Pablo Rivera Fuentes has broad-ranging knowledge of molecular imaging, organic synthesis and biological chemistry. His current focus is on visualising intracellular connections in order to acquire a better understanding of the interplay of the processes occurring in cells. The appointment of Pablo Rivera Fuentes strengthens and complements research in the area of organic chemistry and chemical biology at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences.

Dr Clara Sánchez Rodríguez (*1980), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam, Germany, as Assistant Professor of Plant Cell Biology. Clara Sánchez Rodríguez is a dedicated young scientist. She has already produced pioneering work and received international recognition for her research findings in the areas of cell biology and plant-pathogen interactions. At present she is researching the complex regulation of the synthesis and formation of the plant cell wall. Her future findings could prove crucial for resistance to pathogens and for the production of bioenergy. Through the appointment of Clara Sánchez Rodríguez, ETH Zurich is further reinforcing its leading international position in plant biology research.

Dr Tobias Schmidt (*1981), currently Senior Researcher at ETH Zurich and Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Energy Politics. Tobias Schmidt has technical as well as economic expertise. He exploits this interdisciplinary background to research topics that include the influence of energy policy on technological change. His work makes use of quantitative and qualitative methods. Furthermore, on the basis of his scientific knowledge, Tobias Schmidt drafts policy recommendations for politicians and other decision-makers. His networks with leading universities and international institutions such as the United Nations also significantly enrich ETH Zurich.

Professor Olga Sorkine Hornung (*1981), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Computer Science. Olga Sorkine attracted attention as a result of her essential research findings soon in her career and is recognised as one of the world's leading scientists in the fields of geometric modelling and digital geometry processing. Among other things, she is currently working on projects including computer design in relation to the forward-looking areas of digital fabrication and 3D printing. Thanks to her research topics, Olga Sorkine ideally complements the current focus of the Institute of Visual Computing and will further reinforce ETH Zurich's strengths in this area.

Professor Roman Stocker (*1975), currently Associate Professor with Tenure Track at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, as Full Professor of Groundwater and Hydromechanics. Roman Stocker has excellent international contacts and is a recognised expert in environmental fluid mechanics. His interdisciplinary research focuses on the interface between hydromechanics and biological transport processes in the environment. He has obtained highly acclaimed insights by using an innovative combination of dynamic imaging and microfluidics. Roman Stocker will further strengthen ETH Zurich's leading international position in the field of physical processes in surface and groundwater.

Professor Andreas Wenger (*1964), currently Associate Professor at ETH Zurich, as Full Professor of International and Swiss Security Policy. Andreas Wenger is Director of the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. The main focus of his work includes aspects of transatlantic relations, US and Russian foreign and security policy, the European security architecture and the future shape of Swiss foreign and security policy. Andreas Wenger achieves excellent results in research and teaching. In 2014 he was awarded the «Golden Owl»for exceptional teaching performance, having received outstanding evaluations from his students.

Professor Vanessa Wood (*1983), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Materials and Device Engineering. Vanessa Wood is an eminent, internationally acclaimed scientist. Her research group investigates topics including the development of solar cells from nanomaterials, new materials for storing energy in batteries and supercaps, the electrochemical characterisation of nanomaterials and x-ray tomography of porous battery electrodes. Thanks to her close network of contacts in the ETH Domain and her focus on matters relating to electronics and photonics, Vanessa Wood will enable further scientific breakthroughs to be made in key fields.


Appointments at EPFL

Professor Yves Bellouard (*1971), currently Associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, as Associate Professor of Microtechnology. Yves Bellouard is a highly innovative researcher with experience of various fields of applied physics, microtechnology and applications at the micro and nano level. Thanks to his creative approach and flair for practical technology transfer, Yves Bellouard will contribute significantly to the development of the Swiss microtechnology industry, particularly the watch industry. Research and teaching at EPFL will benefit greatly from his ability to build bridges between science and industrial applications.

Dr Diego Ghezzi (*1980), currently a researcher at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Bioengineering. Diego Ghezzi is a young scientist whose approach has already attracted international interest. His research focuses on bioengineering and neurosciences. His specialist area is in methods, technologies and technical platforms for the optical modulation of neural activity. Ultimately, his goal is to develop prosthetic implants that will enable blind people to see. With his cross-disciplinary expertise and highly innovative methods, Diego Ghezzi will greatly reinforce neuroprosthetic research at EPFL.

Professor Dirk Grundler (*1966), currently Full Professor at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, and Visiting Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Materials Science. At present, Dirk Grundler's research has a particular focus on the electronic and magnetic characteristics of nanoscale systems. He is regarded as one of the world's leading experts in magnonics, a new and promising area in the field of research into nanomagnetism and spin dynamics. His scientific outlook is an excellent match with the strategy of the Institute of Materials at EPFL, which confidently expects Dirk Grundler to provide new impetus in forward-looking areas, both scientifically and in his teaching.

Professor Kathryn Hess Bellwald (*1967), currently Adjunct Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Life Sciences and Mathematics. Kathryn Hess Bellwald is an internationally recognised specialist, particularly in the field of algebraic topology. As well as fulfilling her commitment to research and teaching activities in her original specialist area, in recent years she has also made a name for herself in applied mathematics with a focus on the neurosciences. This has opened up exciting research prospects in the analysis of structured data as part of the Human Brain Project.

Dr. Elison Matioli (*1979), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Elison Matioli conducts research at the interface between materials science, applied physics and electrical engineering. Areas covered by his work include new ways of manufacturing and optimising semiconductors, for which he has refined complex methods using innovative approaches. Thanks to his experience in materials science, nanostructures and semiconductor layouts, Elison Matioli possesses a rare combination of multidisciplinary expertise. He will enrich and strengthen research at EPFL in the fields of power electronics and sustainable energy.

Professor Karen Mulleners (*1983), currently Assistant Professor at Leibniz University in Hanover, Germany, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Karen Mulleners is a promising young scientist whose research findings have already won international recognition. Her specialist area covers complex instationary flows in water and air, and the dynamics of the ensuing turbulence. Her methods and findings may be used to analyse and optimise the aerodynamics of the rotor blades of wind turbines, for example. Karen Mulleners will further reinforce energy research at EPFL thanks to this focus and her wide-ranging experimental experience.

Professor Jiří Vaníček (*1974), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Theoretical Physical Chemistry. Jiří Vaníček is an internationally acclaimed researcher. His reputation is based on his extensive methodological work on the quantum dynamics of atomic nuclei and electrons under the influence of ultrashort laser pulses, among other topics. He uses very creative scientific approaches which are highly regarded. Jiří Vaníček works in an interdisciplinary manner and repeatedly succeeds in researching phenomena of physical chemistry and complex molecular systems using new and innovative theoretical models. He thus makes a significant contribution to EPFL’s international repute.

Professor Oleg Yazyev(*1981), currently SNF-funded Professor at EPFL, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Theoretical Physics. Oleg Yazyev is a promising scientist who has gained wide international acclaim for his theoretical contributions to nanomaterials such as graphene and topological insulators. He attracted particular attention for developing a new theory of magnetism in graphene. Through this and other findings, he has made an important contribution to the industrial application of new nanomaterials. Thanks to his multidisciplinary approach, Oleg Yazyev strengthens research at EPFL far beyond his core field.


Award of the title of Professor

Dr Yoko Yamakoshi (*1965), Senior Scientist and Lecturer at ETH Zurich, as Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich. Yoko Yamakoshi is an internationally acclaimed organic synthesis chemist who has achieved outstanding success with biological and medical applications. The high quality of her research has enabled her to attract excellent doctoral candidates, and she makes an important contribution to research and teaching at ETH Zurich.

Dr Daniel Gatica-Perez (*1969), Group Leader at the IDIAP research institute in Martigny (Valais) and Senior Scientist at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL. Daniel Gatica-Perez is an internationally recognised expert in the field of social computing, particularly analysis of the use of images. By conferring a professorship on him, EPFL is securing the expertise of Daniel Gatica-Perez in this strategically important field and strengthening its links with IDIAP.

Dr Sandrine Gerber (*1971), Senior Scientist and Deputy Institute Director at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL. Sandrine Gerber is a highly qualified scientist who undertakes research into various aspects of organic chemistry. She is a great support to her immediate colleagues and to EPFL as a whole, thanks to her scientific work, commitment to teaching and management of an institute.

Dr Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin (*1957), Senior Scientist at EPFL and Visiting Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL. Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin has carried out various research and teaching responsibilities at EPFL since 1987. As a scientist, he has made internationally recognised contributions to the development of new materials in the field of photovoltaics.

Professor Idan Segev (*1949), Full Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL. Idan Segev is one of the world's most influential scientists in the field of theoretical and computer-aided neurosciences. The establishment of an official relationship with Idan Segev is strategically important to EPFL and ensures a close and fruitful cooperation on the Blue Brain and Human Brain focus projects.


Departure from ETH Zurich

Professor Michael Eichmair (*1983), currently Assistant Professor of Mathematics, is resigning from ETH Zurich with effect from the end of February 2015. Michael Eichmair is a leading young scientist in the field of geometrical analysis. His scientific work covers topics that include geometrical aspects of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity.


Departures from EPFL

Professor Wanda Andreoni (*1949), currently Full Professor of Physics, will retire at the beginning of March 2015. Wanda Andreoni was appointed Adjunct Professor at EPFL in 2008 in recognition of her services during a long career in science and industry. In 2010 she was promoted to Full Professor. She is an expert in computer-aided chemistry and physics and conducted pioneering work in these fields, including while undertaking leading roles at the IBM Research Laboratory in Zurich. Her work and results, especially in the materials sciences, have received worldwide recognition. Wanda Andreoni's academic stature has boosted the international reputation of EPFL and she has also made an extremely valuable contribution to teaching.

Professor Aleksander Madry (*1982), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor, will leave EPFL at the end of January 2015. Aleksander Madry is an internationally acclaimed expert in algorithmic graph theory. He has been appointed to a chair at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA.

Professor André Schiper (*1949), currently Full Professor of Computer Science, is to retire at the end of 2014. André Schiper is an expert in distributed systems and has been a Full Professor at EPFL since October 1985. His commitment to research as well as teaching has been outstanding. On the academic side, he has regularly published in prestigious journals and helped to organise top-class specialist events, both at EPFL and other institutions. He assumed a number of managerial roles at EPFL over the years. Most recently, André Schiper set up the very successful introductory course in computer science which was offered to all first-year students for the first time in 2013.

The ETH Board would like to thank the departing professors for their services to science, teaching and academic administration.

Address for enquiries

Alex Biscaro
Häldeliweg 15
CH-8092 Zürich
+41 44 632 20 03


Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology
