Agreement signed with the WEF

Bern, 23.01.2015 - A meeting took place on the margins of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos between the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Didier Burkhalter, and the executive chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, at which an agreement was signed on the status of the WEF in Switzerland.

On 23 January 2015, a meeting took place between the head of the FDFA, Didier Burkhalter, and the executive chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, on the margins of the annual meeting of the WEF in Davos at which an agreement was signed confirming the status of the WEF in Switzerland in compliance with the Host State Act  of 22 June 2007 (HSA, SR 192.12).

At its meeting on 17 December 2014, the Federal Council recognised the WEF as an "other international body" as defined in the Host State Act and approved the agreement, the purpose of which is to confirm the status of foundation that the World Economic Forum enjoys in Switzerland. This status is based on the WEF's important role for Switzerland, and provides for closer cooperation between the Swiss Confederation and the WEF in its field of activity. The substance of the agreement corresponds to agreements that the Federal Council has already concluded with other organisations of this kind and provides, for example, for facilities in the recruitment of personnel. 

Since its foundation in 1971, the WEF has considerably developed its activities and, in particular through its annual meeting in Davos, has attained a global dimension and gained wide recognition among states and international organisations.

Address for enquiries

FDFA Communication
Federal Palace West Wing
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel. Press service: +41 58 460 55 55
Twitter: @SwissMFA


Federal Department of Foreign Affairs