«Openness is an opportunity» – Economic Growth & Sustainable Development: Challenges & Opportunities in Asia and Europe (en)

Berna, 11.11.2013 - Nuova Delhi (India), 11.11. 2013 – Allocuzione del consigliere federale Didier Burkhalter in occasione della ASEM (dialogo Europa-Asia) – Fa stato la versione orale

Chairman, Excellencies
Dear colleagues
Ladies and gentlemen

Despite a population of eight million, Switzerland is amongst the twenty largest economies in the world. With a small domestic market and few natural resources we have to rely on innovation, open markets to export our goods and services and a rule-based international trading system in order to prosper. That is why we are strong advocates of free trade.

Switzerland currently has a network of 28 free trade agreements with 38 partners outside the EU. Free trade agreements promote growth and wealth. They add value both for Switzerland and the partner state. Switzerland and our EFTA partners Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein can negotiate quickly, with a high degree of flexibility and with a special focus on the most dynamic economies in the world – many of whom are in Asia! In this booming region, Switzerland already has existing FTAs with Singapore and Korea, both together with our EFTA partners, as well as with Japan and China, both concluded on a bilateral level. Currently, the EFTA States are in process of negotiating FTAs with India, Indonesia and Vietnam. Moreover, we hope to resume negotiations with Thailand soon and start negotiations with Malaysia next year.

Asia is clearly positioned to become the global economic center of gravity. This can also be observed in Switzerland’s trade relations. While in 2000, Asia accounted for 10% of our external trade, by 2010, this figure had increased by one third, thereby overtaking the Americas. All available data indicate that this trend will continue. While we continue to value our relationship with the current main trading partners in Asia and Europe, we definitely want to expand our business to new partners.

Switzerland is also an active member of the IMF, the OECD, the FSB and the FATF. Switzerland provides significant and timely financial contributions to the international financial institutions. We are convinced that our experience and know-how can also contribute positively to the G20 agenda.

Ladies and Gentlemen – Switzerland is definitely open for trade and to foster common prosperity. We would be delighted to explore opportunities together.

Thank you.

Indirizzo cui rivolgere domande

Comunicazione DFAE
Palazzo federale ovest
CH-3003 Berna
Tel. Servizio stampa: +41 58 460 55 55
E-Mail: kommunikation@eda.admin.ch
Twitter: @EDA_DFAE

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Dipartimento federale degli affari esteri
